***NEW*** SolarisKit SP100 solar pool heating kit

from £399.00

The new and improved SolarisKit solar pool heating solution! The SP100 includes its own dedicated pump for heating. Our pump runs of 12V and consumes very little power (only 10W!). Our new kit lets you run your filter loop as normal so you have a clean and warm pool.

This SP100 kit includes:

  • 1. SolarisKit S400 solar collectors (choose from 2 or 3)

  • 2. Low power, 12V pump and power supply

  • 3. Piping and fittings for installation

Backed by a 2 year warranty.

  • UK Customers: VAT will be added on checkout

  • EU Customers: VAT will be charged by carrier on country arrival


Number of collectors:

Use solar energy to heat your pool today

  • Solar Keymark Certified

  • Made in the UK

For every solar collector sold, SolarisKit will fund the plantation of 25 trees through its partnership with the Eden Reforestation Project.

Each tree is able to absorb approximately 10 kilograms of carbon each year. Not only will your purchase help reduce your carbon emissions by using solar energy, our tree planting initiative will save another 250 kilograms of carbon per annum.


Watch our step-by-step installation video


Not sure how it works? Our step-by-step installation video guides you through all the steps to install your solar pool heating solution for your swimming pool.